Shaka, me, and Bubba |
I have been on several trips into the bush to collect shea fruit. Last time, Koniaba kept reprimanding me for breaking "bush rules", she stopped my humming. Why? Because it's bad. She stopped my drumming. Why? Because it is bad. Jeez, I can't do anything right. But, at least they don't hesitate to call me out on my faux paus. Here is a running list of ones I can remember: threw a banana at a host aunt (first month in country, I asked if anyone wanted a banana. Yes, I said, "Catch/ I minE!"she didn't catch it, the banana hit her thigh and landed on the ground), saying penis (wulu) instead of wula (afternoon) when practicing greetings, handing things to people with my left hand (the bad hand), holding my bath bucket or selidaga with my left hand while walking to the nyegen(bathroom), whistling, looking at lightning, using my cell phone before a storm, sweeping my house at night, taking a bucket bath immediately preceding lunch, not washing my face before giving good morning greetings, and probably many more I am unaware of at the moment or forgot.

Note to self, do not give camera to Mali children without constant supervision. I usually give my camera to Mama while I am collecting shea fruit and at one point I turn around and to my horror the two boys have their pants down and he's taking pictures. "A Magni!/ Bad!" Give me my camera back, no more taking pictures for you buddy!
Mama (ex-photographer), Shaka, and Mama's younger bro Bubba |
rushing home before the rain |
bucket on the head |
Passing through town everyone realizes you have shea fruit and they soon realize they wish they also have shea fruit. |
Word spread quickly that I brought back shea fruit. |
perk of collecting shea fruit |