

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Okra Sauce

Gan-kene-na a ka di det! Fresh Okra Sauce is really good! O.k. coming into Mali many current volunteers warned us of this standard Mali sauce served with to or rice. Due to the fact that the consistency of the sauce is very similar to snot. Of course, if that is all that is on your mind while you eat the sauce it would be very difficult to try for the first time, perhaps out of fear you may throw-up. I therefore hesistated to taste the sauce for the first several months in Mali. It can be made good or bad and I have had examples of both. My host family makes it taste great and usually mix it in with another sauce when served with to.
I always like to help out in anyway around the kitchen, so I usually cut the vegetables. Occasionally, I entertain my friends by beating/mixing the to (corn/millet flour boiled in water), but it is difficult being so close to the fire with the smoke and the heat so I don't entertain often.

Fresh cut okra

Okra Sauce/Green Sauce

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